Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Tachikoma a Day: Day 4

Today, getting ready to open blind box #4, my daughters said, "We want the yellow one today."

I took pains to explain -- especially to the two-year-old -- that wanting a yellow one doesn't give us a yellow one.

So I opened the box, and it's the yellow one. Now, she owes me lottery numbers.

The Tachi-Yellow is a more than just a repaint of the 2nd GIG version or the Version 1 Tachikoma (which I haven't scored yet). From a story perspective, the yellow signifies a construction vehicle, and this Tachikoma is one of the three military walkers that was not decommissioned for deconstruction and experimentation (the others being the 2nd GIG version and the silver version). These three eventually leave their civilian posts to do something pretty heroic in the TV series. No spoilers.

So, four days, four boxes, four different Tachikomas (Tachikomans?), trying for six, out of a pool of ten. Not sure what the odds, are, but I suspect they decrease logarithmically from 1:1 (when I hadn't  picked up any yet), to less than 1:6. (And the pool of 10 is actually a non-issue.)

Yellow Tachikoma, "Tachi-Yellow (tachikomans)" variation.

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