Monday, February 20, 2017

Machine Man (Marvel Legends)

Machine Man is one of my favorite Marvel characters - And he's wicked under-rated.

I'd hazard the majority of folks who stumble across this post won't know who this Marvel character is.

Even fewer will know Machine Man is a Jack Kirby-created character -- from the comic book version of  2001: A Space Odyssey (ish #8).

As a kid, I was fascinated by the character of Machine Man, and (though I wouldn't know or understand why until later), the writing, design, and art of Jack Kirby.

Jack Kirby's art is kinetic, frenetic (but controlled), stylistic, and rich with a unique identity. In my fan fantasy real-world mash-ups, Mr. Kirby and George Miller would do a creative project together.

And now I have a toy of Machine Man. So. There.

(Thank you Marvel, Hasbro, Jesse Falcon and the team, Mr. Kirby and family, Mr. Ditko and family, and so many more.)

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